Android iOS App Pentesting

Mobile App VAPT Process

The Mobile VAPT process is crucial for ensuring the security and integrity of mobile applications in today's digital landscape. With the widespread adoption of mobile devices and the increasing reliance on mobile apps for various purposes, including banking, shopping, communication, and productivity, the need to safeguard sensitive data and protect against cyber threats has never been more critical. Mobile VAPT enables organizations to proactively identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities, reducing the risk of data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage.

By conducting thorough assessments, including vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and code review, organizations can identify weaknesses in their mobile applications' security posture and implement appropriate remediation measures. This not only helps protect user data and privacy but also enhances user trust, fosters customer loyalty, and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements. In an ever-evolving threat landscape where mobile apps are increasingly targeted by cybercriminals, Mobile VAPT provides organizations with the insights and tools they need to stay one step ahead of potential threats and maintain the security of their mobile ecosystem.

What is a Mobile VAPT?

Mobile VAPT, or Mobile Application Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing, is a comprehensive security testing process designed to assess the security posture of mobile applications. It involves identifying vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and security risks within the mobile app and its associated infrastructure to mitigate potential threats and safeguard sensitive data. Here's an overview of Mobile VAPT:

1. Vulnerability Assessment:

This phase involves scanning the mobile application for known vulnerabilities, such as insecure data storage, improper session management, insecure communication channels, and other common security flaws. Automated tools and manual inspection techniques are employed to identify vulnerabilities and assess their severity.

2. Penetration Testing:

In this phase, security experts simulate real-world attacks to exploit identified vulnerabilities and assess the effectiveness of existing security controls. Penetration testing techniques may include injection attacks, authentication bypass, privilege escalation, and other attack vectors to uncover potential security weaknesses.

3. Threat Modeling:

Mobile VAPT also involves threat modeling, which analyzes potential threats and attack vectors specific to the mobile application's architecture, functionality, and data flow. This helps prioritize security assessments and focus testing efforts on critical areas of the app.

4. Secure Code Review:

Security experts conduct a thorough review of the mobile application's source code to identify coding errors, security vulnerabilities, and adherence to secure coding practices. Secure code review helps uncover vulnerabilities that may not be detected through automated scanning alone.

5. Reporting and Remediation:

Upon completion of the assessment, a detailed report is generated outlining identified vulnerabilities, their severity levels, potential impact, and recommendations for remediation. This report serves as a roadmap for addressing security issues and improving the overall security posture of the mobile application.

6. Continuous Monitoring and Maintenance:

Mobile VAPT is not a one-time activity but rather an ongoing process. Continuous monitoring, regular security updates, and periodic re-assessments are essential to maintain the security of the mobile application and protect against evolving threats.

Overall, Mobile VAPT helps organizations identify and address security vulnerabilities in mobile applications, reduce the risk of data breaches and cyber attacks, and ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive information. By proactively assessing and mitigating security risks, organizations can enhance user trust, comply with regulatory requirements, and safeguard their reputation in an increasingly mobile-centric world.

Our Phase wise Mobile Pentesting Approach

At Valency Networks, our Mobile Pentesting Approach is structured into distinct phases to ensure thorough coverage and effective security testing of mobile applications. Our phased approach encompasses the following steps:

1. Reconnaissance and Information Gathering:

We start by gathering information about the mobile application, its architecture, functionalities, and potential attack surfaces. This involves analyzing the mobile app's documentation, understanding its intended use cases, and identifying potential entry points for attackers.

2. Vulnerability Discovery:

In this phase, we use a combination of automated scanning tools and manual techniques to identify vulnerabilities within the mobile application. This includes testing for common security flaws such as insecure data storage, inadequate authentication mechanisms, and improper input validation.

3. Exploitation and Validation:

Once vulnerabilities are identified, our team simulates real-world attack scenarios to exploit these weaknesses and assess their impact. This involves attempting to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data, escalate privileges, or manipulate the application's behaviour to demonstrate the severity of the vulnerabilities.

4. Reporting and Remediation:

Following the assessment, we compile a comprehensive report detailing our findings, including identified vulnerabilities, their severity levels, and recommended remediation steps. Our report provides actionable insights to help organizations prioritize and address security issues effectively.

5. Continuous Monitoring and Maintenance:

We emphasize the importance of ongoing monitoring and maintenance to ensure the long-term security of the mobile application. Our team provides guidance on implementing security best practices, conducting regular security assessments, and staying vigilant against emerging threats.

By following this phased approach, we help organizations identify and mitigate security risks in their mobile applications, ultimately enhancing their overall security posture and protecting sensitive data from potential cyber threats.

Mobile Pentesting Process

Our Mobile Pentesting Process at Valency Networks is meticulously designed to ensure comprehensive security testing of mobile applications. Here's an overview of our process:

1. Pre-Assessment Preparation:

We start by understanding the client's requirements, including the mobile app's architecture, functionalities, and target platforms. We gather necessary documentation and conduct initial scoping to define the scope of the assessment.

2. Reconnaissance and Information Gathering:

In this phase, we conduct reconnaissance to gather information about the mobile application, its infrastructure, APIs, and external dependencies. This helps us understand the attack surface and potential entry points for attackers.

3. Vulnerability Assessment:

Using a combination of automated tools and manual techniques, we identify vulnerabilities within the mobile application. This includes testing for common security flaws such as insecure data storage, inadequate authentication mechanisms, and improper input validation.

4. Exploitation and Validation:

Once vulnerabilities are identified, we simulate real-world attack scenarios to exploit these weaknesses and assess their impact. This involves attempting to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data, escalate privileges, or manipulate the application's behavior.

5. Reporting and Remediation:

Following the assessment, we compile a detailed report outlining our findings, including identified vulnerabilities, their severity levels, and recommended remediation steps. Our report provides actionable insights to help organizations prioritize and address security issues effectively.

6. Continuous Monitoring and Maintenance:

We emphasize the importance of ongoing monitoring and maintenance to ensure the long-term security of the mobile application. Our team provides guidance on implementing security best practices, conducting regular security assessments, and staying vigilant against emerging threats.

By following this comprehensive process, we help organizations identify and mitigate security risks in their mobile applications, ultimately enhancing their overall security posture and protecting sensitive data from potential cyber threats.

Mobile App Security Testing Checklist

Here's a Mobile App Security Testing Checklist that covers various aspects of security testing for mobile applications:

1. Authentication and Authorization:

  • Verify that strong authentication mechanisms are implemented, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) or biometric authentication.
  • Ensure proper session management to prevent session fixation, session hijacking, or session replay attacks.
  • Validate that users are authorized to access specific functionalities or data based on their roles and permissions.

2. Data Storage and Encryption:

  • Check for secure data storage practices, such as encrypting sensitive data at rest using strong encryption algorithms.
  • Validate that encryption keys are securely managed and stored to prevent unauthorized access to encrypted data.
  • Verify that sensitive data, such as passwords, financial information, and personal data, is encrypted during transmission and storage.

3. Network Communication:

  • Ensure that secure communication protocols, such as HTTPS (HTTP Secure), are used to encrypt data transmitted between the mobile app and backend servers.
  • Validate SSL/TLS configurations to prevent common vulnerabilities, such as weak cipher suites or improper certificate validation.
  • Check for insecure communication channels, such as cleartext HTTP connections, and ensure they are avoided.

4. Input Validation and Sanitization:

  • Validate user input to prevent common security vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and command injection.
  • Ensure that input fields are properly sanitized to prevent malicious input from being processed by the application.
  • Verify that client-side input validation is supplemented with server-side validation to prevent bypassing.

5. Error Handling and Logging:

  • Validate error handling mechanisms to ensure that sensitive information is not exposed in error messages.
  • Verify that error messages provide meaningful information to users without revealing sensitive details about the application's internals.
  • Ensure that logging mechanisms are implemented to capture security-related events and anomalies for monitoring and analysis.

6. Secure Code Review:

  • Conduct a thorough review of the mobile application's source code to identify security vulnerabilities, coding errors, and adherence to secure coding practices.
  • Check for common security pitfalls, such as hard-coded credentials, insecure dependencies, and improper use of cryptographic functions.

7. Third-Party Libraries and Dependencies:

  • Validate that third-party libraries and dependencies used in the mobile app are up-to-date and free from known security vulnerabilities.
  • Ensure that only necessary permissions are requested by the mobile app, and unused or unnecessary permissions are avoided to minimize the attack surface.

8. Device Security and Configuration:

  • Check for secure device configurations, such as enabling device encryption, setting up screen locks, and disabling unnecessary features or services.
  • Verify that sensitive data stored on the device is protected using secure storage mechanisms, such as Android KeyStore or iOS Keychain.

9. Resilience to Reverse Engineering:

  • Validate that the mobile app's code is obfuscated to deter reverse engineering and tampering attempts.
  • Ensure that sensitive data, such as API keys, cryptographic keys, and proprietary algorithms, are adequately protected from extraction or manipulation.

10. Compliance and Regulatory Requirements:

  • Ensure that the mobile app complies with relevant regulations and industry standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and OWASP Mobile Top 10.
  • Verify that privacy policies, terms of service, and data handling practices are transparent and aligned with legal requirements and user expectations.

This checklist covers essential aspects of mobile app security testing to help ensure that mobile applications are robust, secure, and resilient to cyber threats. It can serve as a guide for security professionals and development teams to conduct thorough security assessments and mitigate potential vulnerabilities in mobile applications.

Best Practices in Mobile app Pentesting

Here are some best practices in Mobile App Pentesting to ensure thorough and effective security assessments:

1. Understand the Mobile App Architecture:

Gain a clear understanding of the mobile app's architecture, including client-side and server-side components, APIs, data flows, and dependencies.

2. Define Clear Objectives and Scope:

Clearly define the objectives and scope of the pentest, including target platforms (iOS, Android), versions of the app, and specific functionalities to be tested.

3. Leverage a Combination of Techniques:

Use a combination of automated tools, manual testing, and human intelligence to identify vulnerabilities and assess security controls comprehensively.

4. Simulate Real-World Attack Scenarios:

Mimic real-world attack scenarios to identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses that could be exploited by malicious actors.

5. Test Across Different Network Environments:

Test the mobile app's security posture across different network environments, including Wi-Fi, cellular data, and VPN connections, to assess vulnerabilities in various scenarios.

6. Pay Attention to Authentication and Authorization:

Test authentication mechanisms, session management, and access controls to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive data or perform privileged actions.

7. Validate Data Storage and Encryption:

Verify that sensitive data is securely stored and encrypted both at rest and in transit, using strong encryption algorithms and secure storage mechanisms.

8. Check for Secure Communication Protocols:

Ensure that secure communication protocols, such as HTTPS, are used to encrypt data transmitted between the mobile app and backend servers, and verify SSL/TLS configurations.

9. Review Third-Party Libraries and Dependencies:

Assess the security of third-party libraries and dependencies used in the mobile app, ensuring they are up-to-date and free from known vulnerabilities.

10. Perform Static and Dynamic Analysis:

Conduct both static and dynamic analysis of the mobile app's code to identify security vulnerabilities, coding errors, and potential security weaknesses.

11. Consider Compliance and Regulatory Requirements:

Ensure that the mobile app complies with relevant regulations and industry standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and OWASP Mobile Top 10.

12. Provide Detailed Reporting and Remediation Recommendations:

Compile a comprehensive report outlining identified vulnerabilities, their severity levels, and recommended remediation steps. Offer actionable insights to help organizations prioritize and address security issues effectively.

By following these best practices, organizations can conduct thorough and effective Mobile App Pentests, identify and mitigate security risks, and enhance the overall security posture of their mobile applications.

Typical Vulnerabilities Found in Mobile Pentesting

In Mobile Pentesting, various vulnerabilities can be identified, compromising the security of mobile applications. Here are some typical vulnerabilities found during Mobile Pentesting:

1. Insecure Data Storage:

Mobile apps often store sensitive data locally on the device, such as user credentials, authentication tokens, and personal information. Insecure data storage vulnerabilities occur when this data is stored in plaintext or weakly encrypted, making it susceptible to unauthorized access.

2. Insecure Communication:

Mobile apps communicate with backend servers and external APIs over networks, which can be intercepted by attackers. Insecure communication vulnerabilities, such as the use of unencrypted HTTP connections or improper SSL/TLS configurations, can expose sensitive data to eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks.

3. Improper Session Management:

Weaknesses in session management can lead to vulnerabilities such as session fixation, session hijacking, or session replay attacks. This allows attackers to impersonate authenticated users and gain unauthorized access to their accounts.

4. Insecure Authentication:

Authentication mechanisms, such as login screens and password reset functionalities, are common targets for attackers. Insecure authentication vulnerabilities, such as weak passwords, predictable password reset tokens, or lack of multi-factor authentication (MFA), can lead to unauthorized access to user accounts.

5. Client-Side Injection Attacks:

Mobile apps that accept user input without proper validation and sanitization are susceptible to injection attacks, such as SQL injection, XML injection, or command injection. Attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary code, access sensitive data, or manipulate application behavior.

6. Insecure Cryptographic Implementations:

Weak or improperly implemented cryptographic algorithms can lead to vulnerabilities such as weak encryption, improper key management, or insufficient entropy. This can compromise the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data stored or transmitted by the mobile app.

7. Lack of Binary Protections:

Mobile apps are often targets for reverse engineering and tampering attempts. Lack of binary protections, such as code obfuscation, anti-debugging techniques, or runtime application self-protection (RASP), can make it easier for attackers to analyze and manipulate the app's code.

8. Unintended Data Leakage:

Mobile apps may inadvertently leak sensitive data through unintended channels, such as logs, error messages, or temporary files. Unintended data leakage vulnerabilities occur when sensitive information is exposed to unauthorized parties without proper safeguards.

9. Unsecured Third-Party Libraries:

Mobile apps commonly integrate third-party libraries and dependencies, which may contain known vulnerabilities or security weaknesses. Unsecured third-party libraries can introduce security risks, such as remote code execution, data leakage, or privilege escalation.

10. Insufficient Authorization Controls:

Improperly implemented authorization controls can allow users to access functionalities or data they are not authorized to access. Insufficient authorization vulnerabilities can result in privilege escalation, data exposure, or unauthorized actions within the mobile app.

By identifying and addressing these typical vulnerabilities found in Mobile Pentesting, organizations can enhance the security of their mobile applications, protect sensitive data, and mitigate the risk of cyber attacks. Regular security assessments and proactive measures are essential to maintain the integrity and trustworthiness of mobile apps in today's threat landscape.

Typical security issues found in Android Apps

In Android apps, several typical security issues can compromise the integrity and confidentiality of user data and the overall security of the application. Here are some common security issues found in Android apps:

1. Insecure Data Storage:

Android apps often store sensitive data, such as user credentials, authentication tokens, and personal information, locally on the device. Insecure data storage vulnerabilities occur when this data is stored in plaintext or weakly encrypted, making it susceptible to unauthorized access by malicious actors.

2. Insecure Communication:

Android apps communicate with backend servers and external APIs over networks, which can be intercepted by attackers. Insecure communication vulnerabilities, such as the use of unencrypted HTTP connections or improper SSL/TLS configurations, can expose sensitive data to eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks.

3. Improper Permission Handling:

Android apps request various permissions to access device resources and user data. Improper permission handling vulnerabilities occur when apps request excessive permissions or misuse sensitive permissions, such as accessing location data, contacts, or camera without a legitimate need.

4. Insecure Authentication:

Authentication mechanisms, such as login screens and password reset functionalities, are common targets for attackers. Insecure authentication vulnerabilities, such as weak passwords, predictable password reset tokens, or lack of multi-factor authentication (MFA), can lead to unauthorized access to user accounts.

5. Client-Side Injection Attacks:

Android apps that accept user input without proper validation and sanitization are susceptible to injection attacks, such as SQL injection, XML injection, or command injection. Attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary code, access sensitive data, or manipulate application behavior.

6. Insecure WebView Implementation:

Android apps often use WebView to display web content within the app. Insecure WebView implementation vulnerabilities occur when apps do not properly configure WebView settings, leading to risks such as cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, clickjacking, or loading untrusted content.

7. Lack of Binary Protections:

Android apps are targets for reverse engineering and tampering attempts. Lack of binary protections, such as code obfuscation, anti-debugging techniques, or runtime application self-protection (RASP), can make it easier for attackers to analyze and manipulate the app's code.

8. Insufficient Input Validation:

Android apps that accept user input without proper validation are susceptible to input validation vulnerabilities, such as buffer overflows, format string vulnerabilities, or integer overflows. Attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary code or manipulate application behavior.

9. Insecure Data Handling:

Android apps may mishandle sensitive data, such as storing passwords in logs, caching sensitive information in plaintext, or transmitting data over insecure channels. Insecure data handling vulnerabilities can lead to unintended data leakage or exposure of sensitive information to unauthorized parties.

10. Unsecured Third-Party Libraries:

Android apps commonly integrate third-party libraries and dependencies, which may contain known vulnerabilities or security weaknesses. Unsecured third-party libraries can introduce security risks, such as remote code execution, data leakage, or privilege escalation.

By identifying and addressing these typical security issues found in Android apps, developers and security professionals can enhance the security posture of their applications, protect user data, and mitigate the risk of cyber attacks. Regular security assessments, secure coding practices, and adherence to best practices are essential to maintain the integrity and trustworthiness of Android apps.

Typical security issues found in iOS Apps

In iOS apps, several typical security issues can compromise the integrity and confidentiality of user data and the overall security of the application. Here are some common security issues found in iOS apps:

1. Insecure Data Storage:

iOS apps often store sensitive data, such as user credentials, authentication tokens, and personal information, locally on the device. Insecure data storage vulnerabilities occur when this data is stored in plaintext or weakly encrypted, making it susceptible to unauthorized access by malicious actors.

2. Insecure Communication:

iOS apps communicate with backend servers and external APIs over networks, which can be intercepted by attackers. Insecure communication vulnerabilities, such as the use of unencrypted HTTP connections or improper SSL/TLS configurations, can expose sensitive data to eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks.

3. Improper Permission Handling:

iOS apps request various permissions to access device resources and user data. Improper permission handling vulnerabilities occur when apps request excessive permissions or misuse sensitive permissions, such as accessing location data, contacts, or camera without a legitimate need.

4. Insecure Authentication:

Authentication mechanisms, such as login screens and password reset functionalities, are common targets for attackers. Insecure authentication vulnerabilities, such as weak passwords, predictable password reset tokens, or lack of multi-factor authentication (MFA), can lead to unauthorized access to user accounts.

5. Client-Side Injection Attacks:

iOS apps that accept user input without proper validation and sanitization are susceptible to injection attacks, such as SQL injection, XML injection, or command injection. Attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary code, access sensitive data, or manipulate application behavior.

6. Insecure WebView Implementation:

iOS apps often use WebView to display web content within the app. Insecure WebView implementation vulnerabilities occur when apps do not properly configure WebView settings, leading to risks such as cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, clickjacking, or loading untrusted content.

7. Lack of Binary Protections:

iOS apps are targets for reverse engineering and tampering attempts. Lack of binary protections, such as code obfuscation, anti-debugging techniques, or runtime application self-protection (RASP), can make it easier for attackers to analyze and manipulate the app's code.

8. Insufficient Input Validation:

iOS apps that accept user input without proper validation are susceptible to input validation vulnerabilities, such as buffer overflows, format string vulnerabilities, or integer overflows. Attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary code or manipulate application behavior.

9. Insecure Data Handling:

iOS apps may mishandle sensitive data, such as storing passwords in logs, caching sensitive information in plaintext, or transmitting data over insecure channels. Insecure data handling vulnerabilities can lead to unintended data leakage or exposure of sensitive information to unauthorized parties.

10. Unsecured Third-Party Libraries:

iOS apps commonly integrate third-party libraries and dependencies, which may contain known vulnerabilities or security weaknesses. Unsecured third-party libraries can introduce security risks, such as remote code execution, data leakage, or privilege escalation.

By identifying and addressing these typical security issues found in iOS apps, developers and security professionals can enhance the security posture of their applications, protect user data, and mitigate the risk of cyber attacks. Regular security assessments, secure coding practices, and adherence to best practices are essential to maintain the integrity and trustworthiness of iOS apps.

Mobile Pentesting : Automated VAPT and Manual VAPT

In Mobile Pentesting, both Automated Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) and Manual VAPT play critical roles in identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities in mobile applications. Here's an overview of each approach:

1. Automated VAPT:

  • Tools and Scanners:

    Automated VAPT involves the use of specialized tools and scanners to perform security assessments of mobile applications. These tools can automatically scan the mobile app for known vulnerabilities, such as insecure data storage, improper authentication mechanisms, and insecure communication channels.
  • Advantages:

    Automated VAPT offers several advantages, including speed, scalability, and efficiency. It can quickly identify common security issues across large codebases and provide immediate feedback to developers. Automated tools can also perform repetitive tasks, freeing up human resources for more complex analysis.
  • Limitations:

    However, automated tools have limitations. They may produce false positives or false negatives, as they rely on predefined patterns and signatures to identify vulnerabilities. Automated tools may also struggle with complex vulnerabilities that require manual analysis or human intelligence to detect.

2. Manual VAPT:

  • Human Expertise:

    Manual VAPT involves the expertise of security professionals who manually assess the security posture of mobile applications. This approach involves in-depth analysis, reverse engineering, and creative thinking to uncover vulnerabilities that may evade automated tools.
  • Advantages:

    Manual VAPT offers several advantages, including the ability to identify complex vulnerabilities that automated tools may miss. Human experts can perform in-depth analysis and explore attack vectors that automated tools may not consider. Manual testing can also provide insights into the context and impact of vulnerabilities.
  • Limitations:

    However, manual VAPT can be time-consuming, labor-intensive, and costly. It requires skilled professionals with specialized knowledge and expertise in mobile security. Manual testing may also be subject to biases or limitations based on the experience and perspective of the testers.

3. Combining Automated and Manual Approaches:

  • Synergy:

    While both automated and manual VAPT approaches have their strengths and weaknesses, they are most effective when used together in a complementary manner. Automated tools can quickly identify low-hanging fruit and common vulnerabilities, while manual testing can provide deeper analysis and identify complex security issues.
  • Iterative Process:

    An iterative approach, where automated scans are followed by manual validation and verification, can help ensure thorough coverage and accuracy in identifying vulnerabilities. Manual testing can validate findings from automated scans and provide additional insights into the security posture of the mobile application.
  • Continuous Improvement:

    Additionally, integrating automated security testing into the development lifecycle can help organizations identify and address security issues early in the development process. Continuous monitoring and improvement of security testing processes are essential to keep pace with evolving threats and vulnerabilities.

By leveraging both automated and manual VAPT approaches, organizations can enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of their mobile pentesting efforts, identify a wider range of security vulnerabilities, and mitigate risks to their mobile applications and sensitive data.

Difference between Mobile DAST & Mobile SAST

Mobile DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) and Mobile SAST (Static Application Security Testing) are two distinct approaches to mobile application security testing, each with its own strengths and limitations. Here's a comparison of Mobile DAST and Mobile SAST:

1. Methodology:

  • Mobile DAST:

    Dynamic Application Security Testing involves analyzing a running mobile application for security vulnerabilities by sending various inputs and analyzing the responses. DAST tools interact with the application in real-time, simulating how an attacker would interact with the application.
  • Mobile SAST:

    Static Application Security Testing involves analyzing the source code or binary of the mobile application without executing the application. SAST tools examine the application's code for security vulnerabilities, such as insecure coding practices, security misconfigurations, and potential vulnerabilities.

2. Timing:

  • Mobile DAST:

    DAST is typically performed on a running instance of the mobile application, either on a physical device or in an emulator/simulator. It assesses the application in its operational state, including backend interactions, runtime behavior, and external dependencies.
  • Mobile SAST:

    SAST is performed during the development phase, before the application is deployed or executed. It analyzes the application's code statically, without executing the application, providing insights into potential vulnerabilities and security weaknesses early in the development lifecycle.

3. Coverage:

  • Mobile DAST:

    DAST provides broad coverage of the application's runtime behavior, including both frontend and backend interactions. It can identify vulnerabilities that arise from the application's interaction with external systems, APIs, and backend services.
  • Mobile SAST:

    SAST provides deep code-level analysis of the application's source code or binary. It can identify vulnerabilities within the application's codebase, such as insecure coding practices, security misconfigurations, and potential security vulnerabilities.

4. Speed and Automation:

  • Mobile DAST:

    DAST tools are generally faster and more automated than SAST tools, as they do not require access to the application's source code and can be executed against running instances of the application.
  • Mobile SAST:

    SAST tools may be slower and less automated than DAST tools, as they require access to the application's source code or binary and involve deeper code analysis. However, SAST tools can be integrated into the development process and provide early feedback to developers.

5. False Positives:

  • Mobile DAST:

    DAST tools may produce more false positives compared to SAST tools, as they rely on runtime analysis and may generate alerts based on observed behavior that is not necessarily indicative of a security vulnerability.
  • Mobile SAST:

    SAST tools may produce fewer false positives compared to DAST tools, as they analyze the application's code statically and can provide more precise insights into potential vulnerabilities.

6. Coverage of Third-Party Libraries:

  • Mobile DAST:

    DAST tools may have limited coverage of vulnerabilities in third-party libraries and dependencies, as they focus on the application's runtime behavior and interactions.
  • Mobile SAST:

    SAST tools can provide comprehensive coverage of vulnerabilities in third-party libraries and dependencies, as they analyze the application's source code or binary, including all dependencies and external libraries.

In summary, Mobile DAST and Mobile SAST are complementary approaches to mobile application security testing, each offering unique benefits and insights. Organizations may choose to leverage both approaches in their security testing strategy to maximize coverage and effectiveness in identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities in mobile applications.

Our Expertise in Mobile Security

At Valency Networks, we pride ourselves on our expertise in mobile security, offering comprehensive services to help organizations secure their mobile applications and protect sensitive data. Here are some key aspects of our expertise in mobile security:

1. Specialized Knowledge:

Our team comprises experienced security professionals with specialized knowledge and expertise in mobile application security. We stay up-to-date with the latest trends, vulnerabilities, and attack vectors in the mobile security landscape.

2. Thorough Assessments:

We conduct thorough assessments of mobile applications using a combination of automated tools, manual techniques, and industry best practices. Our assessments cover various aspects of mobile security, including authentication mechanisms, data storage, communication channels, and third-party integrations.

3. Customized Solutions:

We understand that every mobile application is unique, with its own set of security challenges and requirements. We tailor our approach to each client's specific needs, providing customized solutions that address their unique security concerns.

4. Compliance and Regulatory Expertise:

We have expertise in compliance requirements and regulatory standards related to mobile security, such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and OWASP Mobile Top 10. We help organizations ensure compliance with relevant regulations and industry standards.

5. Continuous Monitoring and Support:

We offer continuous monitoring and support services to help organizations maintain the security of their mobile applications over time. Our team provides guidance on implementing security best practices, conducting regular security assessments, and staying vigilant against emerging threats.

6. Collaborative Approach:

We believe in fostering strong partnerships with our clients, working closely with them to understand their business goals, risk tolerance, and security objectives. We collaborate with clients throughout the assessment process, providing transparent communication and actionable insights.

7. Focus on Education and Awareness:

We prioritize education and awareness initiatives to empower our clients with the knowledge and skills needed to enhance their mobile security posture. We offer training sessions, workshops, and educational resources to help organizations build internal capabilities and foster a culture of security awareness.

Overall, our expertise in mobile security enables us to assist organizations in identifying and mitigating security risks in their mobile applications, protecting sensitive data, and maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements. With our comprehensive approach and commitment to excellence, we help organizations strengthen their mobile security defenses and achieve their security goals.

Our Credentials in Pentesting

At Valency Networks, we have established a strong reputation for excellence in penetration testing (pentesting), offering comprehensive services to help organizations identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities in their systems, networks, and applications. Here are some key credentials that highlight our expertise in pentesting:

1. Certified Pentesters:

Our team comprises certified penetration testers with industry-recognized certifications such as Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). These certifications validate our team's expertise in conducting ethical hacking and penetration testing.

2. Extensive Experience:

We have extensive experience in conducting penetration tests for organizations across various industries, including finance, healthcare, technology, government, and e-commerce. Our team has successfully executed pentesting projects for clients ranging from small businesses to large enterprises.

3. Comprehensive Methodology:

We follow a comprehensive pentesting methodology based on industry best practices and standards, such as the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Testing Guide and the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES). Our methodology covers all stages of the pentesting process, including reconnaissance, vulnerability assessment, exploitation, and reporting.

4. Cutting-Edge Tools and Techniques:

We leverage cutting-edge tools, techniques, and methodologies to identify and exploit security vulnerabilities effectively. Our team stays updated with the latest trends and developments in the cybersecurity landscape, continuously enhancing our arsenal of tools and techniques.

5. Transparent Reporting:

We provide clear and concise penetration testing reports that detail our findings, including identified vulnerabilities, their severity levels, and recommended remediation steps. Our reports are tailored to the needs of our clients, providing actionable insights to help prioritize and address security issues effectively.

6. Client Satisfaction:

We prioritize client satisfaction and strive to exceed our clients' expectations in every engagement. Our track record of delivering high-quality pentesting services and achieving positive outcomes for our clients is a testament to our commitment to excellence.

7. Industry Recognition:

We have earned recognition and accolades from industry peers and stakeholders for our expertise in penetration testing. Our reputation for reliability, professionalism, and technical proficiency has established us as a trusted partner in the cybersecurity community.

Overall, our credentials in penetration testing demonstrate our dedication to helping organizations identify and mitigate security risks, protect sensitive data, and strengthen their cybersecurity posture. With our experienced team, proven methodologies, and commitment to excellence, we are well-positioned to meet the pentesting needs of organizations across industries.

How we update our Mobile VAPT Knowledge?

At Valency Networks, we recognize the importance of staying updated with the latest developments, trends, and best practices in mobile application security and vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (VAPT). Here's how we ensure that our team stays abreast of the latest knowledge and advancements in Mobile VAPT:

1. Continuous Learning Culture:

We foster a culture of continuous learning within our organization, encouraging our team members to pursue ongoing education and professional development opportunities. This includes attending industry conferences, webinars, workshops, and training sessions focused on mobile security and VAPT.

2. Certifications and Training:

Our team members pursue relevant certifications and training programs in mobile security, ethical hacking, and penetration testing. This includes certifications such as Certified Mobile Application Security Professional (CMASP), Mobile Security Testing, and specialized training courses offered by leading cybersecurity organizations.

3. Subscription to Security Resources:

We subscribe to reputable security resources, publications, and journals that provide insights into the latest threats, vulnerabilities, and security best practices in the mobile space. This includes subscriptions to industry-leading publications, blogs, forums, and mailing lists focused on mobile security.

4. Participation in Community Events:

Our team actively participates in community events, meetups, and forums dedicated to mobile security and VAPT. This includes contributing to online communities, sharing knowledge and experiences with peers, and engaging in discussions on emerging trends and challenges in the mobile security landscape.

5. Vendor and Tool Updates:

We closely monitor updates and releases from mobile security vendors, tool developers, and open-source communities. This includes staying informed about new tools, techniques, and methodologies for conducting mobile VAPT, as well as updates to existing tools and frameworks.

6. Collaboration with Industry Experts:

We collaborate with industry experts, researchers, and thought leaders in the field of mobile security and VAPT. This includes networking with professionals from academia, government agencies, and private organizations, as well as participating in collaborative research projects and knowledge-sharing initiatives.

7. Internal Knowledge Sharing:

We facilitate internal knowledge sharing sessions, workshops, and peer reviews within our team to share insights, lessons learned, and best practices from our Mobile VAPT engagements. This promotes collaboration, encourages innovation, and ensures that our team members benefit from each other's expertise and experiences.

By adopting these strategies, we ensure that our team remains well-informed, skilled, and equipped to effectively address the evolving challenges and complexities of mobile application security and VAPT. Our commitment to continuous learning and professional development enables us to deliver high-quality Mobile VAPT services and stay ahead of emerging threats in the mobile security landscape.

Helping Industries with Compliance

At Valency Networks, we understand the critical importance of helping industries achieve and maintain compliance with relevant regulations and standards. Here's how we assist industries with compliance:

1. Regulatory Expertise:

Our team comprises experts who specialize in various compliance frameworks and regulations, including GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, ISO/IEC 27001, NIST, and industry-specific regulations. We stay updated with the latest changes and requirements in these frameworks to provide accurate and up-to-date guidance to our clients.

2. Compliance Assessments:

We conduct comprehensive assessments to evaluate our clients' compliance posture against relevant regulations and standards. This includes conducting gap analyses, risk assessments, and control assessments to identify areas of non-compliance and develop remediation strategies.

3. Customized Solutions:

We tailor our compliance solutions to the specific needs and requirements of each industry and organization. Our approach is flexible and adaptable, allowing us to address unique challenges and complexities while ensuring compliance with regulatory mandates.

4. Implementation Support:

We provide hands-on support and guidance to help industries implement necessary controls, policies, and procedures to achieve compliance. This includes developing and implementing security frameworks, risk management processes, and governance structures aligned with regulatory requirements.

5. Training and Awareness:

We offer training and awareness programs to educate industry professionals about compliance requirements, best practices, and risk mitigation strategies. This empowers organizations to build internal capabilities, foster a culture of compliance, and ensure ongoing adherence to regulatory mandates.

6. Audit and Assurance Services:

We offer audit and assurance services to validate our clients' compliance efforts and provide independent assurance to stakeholders. This includes conducting internal audits, compliance reviews, and assessments to verify adherence to regulatory requirements and industry standards.

7. Continuous Monitoring and Improvement:

We assist industries in establishing robust monitoring and reporting mechanisms to track compliance status, identify emerging risks, and measure the effectiveness of control measures. We emphasize the importance of continuous improvement and help organizations evolve their compliance programs to meet changing regulatory landscapes.

8. Industry Collaboration and Advocacy:

We actively collaborate with industry associations, regulatory bodies, and policymakers to advocate for effective cybersecurity regulations and standards that promote industry-wide compliance and security. Our involvement in industry forums and initiatives helps shape regulatory frameworks and promote best practices in compliance.

By providing comprehensive compliance services and support, we help industries navigate complex regulatory environments, mitigate compliance risks, and build trust with stakeholders. Our proactive approach to compliance enables organizations to achieve their regulatory obligations while enhancing their overall cybersecurity posture and resilience.

Mobile VAPT Case studies

here are two real-life case studies that illustrate how performing Android and iOS app penetration testing (VAPT) helped companies identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities, ultimately enhancing the security posture of their mobile applications:

1. Case Study 1: E-commerce Mobile App Security


A leading e-commerce company with a mobile app used by millions of customers for online shopping wanted to ensure the security of its Android and iOS applications, given the sensitive nature of customer data and payment transactions.


The e-commerce company faced the following challenges:

  • Concerns about the security of customer data, including personal information and payment details, stored and processed by the mobile app.
  • Potential risks associated with third-party integrations, such as payment gateways and analytics SDKs, used in the mobile app.
  • Need to comply with industry regulations and standards, including PCI DSS for handling payment card data.


The company engaged a cybersecurity firm to perform comprehensive penetration testing of its Android and iOS mobile applications. The VAPT process included:

  • Static analysis of the mobile app's source code to identify security vulnerabilities, such as insecure data storage, improper authentication mechanisms, and insecure communication channels.
  • Dynamic analysis of the mobile app in runtime to detect vulnerabilities related to input validation, session management, and insecure data transmission.
  • Assessment of third-party libraries and dependencies used in the mobile app to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Verification of compliance with industry regulations and standards, such as PCI DSS, to ensure the secure handling of payment card data.


The penetration testing identified several critical security vulnerabilities in both the Android and iOS versions of the mobile app, including:

  • Insecure data storage of sensitive customer information, such as passwords and payment card details.
  • Lack of proper input validation, leading to potential injection attacks and data manipulation.
  • Insufficient encryption of data transmitted over insecure channels, exposing sensitive information to interception.
  • Security misconfigurations in third-party integrations, posing risks to customer privacy and data security.
  • Based on the findings of the penetration testing, the e-commerce company implemented remediation measures to address the identified vulnerabilities, including:

  • Implementing secure data storage practices, such as encryption and hashing, to protect sensitive information.
  • Enhancing input validation and sanitization mechanisms to prevent injection attacks and data manipulation.
  • Configuring secure communication protocols, such as HTTPS, to encrypt data transmission between the mobile app and backend servers.
  • Conducting regular security assessments and audits to ensure ongoing compliance with industry regulations and standards.


By conducting Android and iOS app penetration testing, the e-commerce company was able to:

  • Identify and mitigate critical security vulnerabilities in its mobile applications, reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.
  • Enhance the security posture of its mobile apps, increasing customer trust and confidence in the platform.
  • Demonstrate compliance with industry regulations and standards, such as PCI DSS, to safeguard customer data and maintain regulatory compliance.

2. Case Study 2: Healthcare Mobile App Security


A healthcare provider developed a mobile app for patients to access medical records, schedule appointments, and communicate with healthcare professionals. Given the sensitive nature of patient data and regulatory requirements, the company sought to ensure the security of its Android and iOS applications.


The healthcare provider faced the following challenges:

  • Concerns about the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of patient health information stored and processed by the mobile app.
  • Need to comply with healthcare regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), to protect patient privacy and data security.
  • Potential risks associated with mobile app vulnerabilities, including insecure data storage, authentication flaws, and inadequate access controls.


The healthcare provider engaged a cybersecurity firm specializing in mobile app penetration testing to assess the security of its Android and iOS applications. The VAPT process included:

  • Static analysis of the mobile app's codebase to identify security vulnerabilities, such as sensitive data exposure, improper handling of medical records, and insufficient access controls.
  • Dynamic analysis of the mobile app in runtime to detect vulnerabilities related to authentication mechanisms, session management, and data transmission.
  • Assessment of backend APIs and server-side components to ensure secure communication and data exchange between the mobile app and backend systems.
  • Verification of compliance with healthcare regulations, such as HIPAA, to protect patient privacy and data security.


The penetration testing revealed several critical security vulnerabilities in both the Android and iOS versions of the healthcare mobile app, including:

  • Insecure storage of patient health information, such as medical records and personal identifiers, on the device.
  • Weak authentication mechanisms, allowing unauthorized access to patient data and sensitive functionalities.
  • Lack of proper authorization controls, enabling unauthorized users to view or modify patient records and appointments.
  • Insufficient encryption of data transmitted between the mobile app and backend servers, exposing patient information to interception.
  • Based on the findings of the penetration testing, the healthcare provider implemented remediation measures to address the identified vulnerabilities, including:
  • Implementing robust encryption and data protection measures to safeguard patient health information stored and transmitted by the mobile app.
  • Enhancing authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure secure access control and user authentication.
  • Conducting employee training and awareness programs to educate staff about security best practices and compliance requirements.
  • Enhancing monitoring and logging capabilities to detect and respond to security incidents and unauthorized access attempts.


By conducting Android and iOS app penetration testing, the healthcare provider was able to:

  • Identify and remediate critical security vulnerabilities in its mobile applications, reducing the risk of data breaches and patient privacy violations.
  • Enhance the security posture of its mobile apps, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of patient health information.
  • Demonstrate compliance with healthcare regulations, such as HIPAA, to protect patient privacy and data security, earning the trust and confidence of patients and regulatory authorities.

These case studies demonstrate how performing Android and iOS app penetration testing helped companies identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities, ultimately enhancing the security posture of their mobile applications and protecting sensitive data. By investing in proactive security measures and compliance efforts, organizations can mitigate risks, safeguard customer trust, and achieve regulatory compliance in an increasingly digital and interconnected world.

Why Valency Networks As Mobile VAPT Experts?

Valency Networks stands out as a trusted leader in mobile application vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (VAPT) due to several key factors that distinguish us as experts in this field:

1. Specialized Expertise:

Our team comprises highly skilled and certified professionals with specialized expertise in mobile security, ethical hacking, and penetration testing. With years of experience in the cybersecurity industry, our experts possess in-depth knowledge of mobile platforms, architectures, and security mechanisms.

2. Comprehensive Methodology:

We follow a comprehensive and systematic methodology for mobile VAPT, encompassing both automated and manual techniques to identify vulnerabilities across the entire mobile application ecosystem. Our methodology covers all stages of the assessment process, from reconnaissance and threat modeling to vulnerability analysis and reporting.

3. Cutting-Edge Tools and Techniques:

We leverage cutting-edge tools, techniques, and methodologies to conduct mobile VAPT, staying abreast of the latest developments and advancements in the cybersecurity landscape. Our arsenal of tools includes industry-leading mobile security scanners, static and dynamic analysis tools, and proprietary frameworks developed in-house.

4. Industry Recognition and Accreditation:

Valency Networks is recognized and accredited by industry peers, regulatory bodies, and leading organizations in the cybersecurity field. Our certifications, affiliations, and partnerships underscore our commitment to excellence and adherence to industry best practices.

5. Customized Solutions:

We understand that every mobile application is unique, with its own set of security challenges and requirements. We tailor our approach to each client's specific needs, providing customized solutions that address their unique security concerns, compliance requirements, and business objectives.

6. Proven Track Record:

We have a proven track record of success in delivering high-quality mobile VAPT services to clients across various industries, including finance, healthcare, e-commerce, technology, and government. Our portfolio of successful engagements and satisfied clients speaks to our ability to identify and mitigate security risks effectively.

7. Continuous Improvement and Innovation:

We are committed to continuous improvement and innovation in our mobile VAPT services, investing in research, development, and training initiatives to stay ahead of emerging threats and evolving attack vectors. Our dedication to staying at the forefront of mobile security ensures that our clients receive the highest level of protection against cyber threats.

8. Customer-Centric Approach:

At Valency Networks, we prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to exceed our clients' expectations in every engagement. We foster strong partnerships with our clients, working closely with them to understand their unique security challenges and provide tailored solutions that meet their needs.

In summary, Valency Networks is recognized as a leading authority in mobile application vulnerability assessment and penetration testing due to our specialized expertise, comprehensive methodology, cutting-edge tools and techniques, industry recognition, proven track record, commitment to continuous improvement, and customer-centric approach. With our team of seasoned professionals and dedication to excellence, we are well-equipped to help organizations secure their mobile applications and protect sensitive data from cyber threats.

Author Avatar

Prashant Phatak

Founder & CEO, Valency Networks

Location: Pune, India

Prashant Phatak is an accomplished leader in the field of IT and Cyber Security. He is Founder and C-level executive of his own firm Valency Networks. Prashant specializes in Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (VAPT) of Web, Networks, Mobile Apps, Cloud apps, IoT and OT networks. He is also a certified lead auditor for ISO27001 and ISO22301 compliance.As an proven problem solver, Prashant's expertise is in the field of end to end IT and Cyber security consultancy to various industry sectors.