How To Implement Payment Gateway Securely In Your Applications

Now a day's online payment has become the most common mode for paying bills, buying stuff, etc. With all the advancement and advantages provided by online payment, it's important to make sure that the payment gateway is secure. Before leading towards securing the applications payment gateway it is important to know the working of the same.

CSRF attack

Step 1: User clicks on the pay now button and is redirected to payment gateway.
Step 2: User is asked to choose the mode of payment and enter bank details for the transaction.
Step 3: The details are sent to the customer's bank portal where the verification is done.
Step 4: The details are verified with the bank
Step 5: If the verification is successful the payment process proceeds.
Step 6: Once the process is completed and the money deducted the user will get the payment successful message on the online shopping application.

So according to the mentioned payment process diagram the security aspects for the application payment gateway can be done only up to step 2 because from step 3 the third party gets involved and take over the remaining process till the payment is declared successful.
So now the question arises on how to secure the payment gateway from the application point of view. Listed below are the 2 important steps that e-commerce application developers have to keep in mind to securely implement their payment gateway:

  • Encrypt user entered data before and after sending the details to the bank. Make sure the encryption is strong.
  • Ensure the channel through which the data is sent is also encrypted by using https and TLS.

The need to secure the payment gateway:

  • To ensure confidentiality and integrity.
  • To avoid mishandlings during the payment process.
  • To gain customer trust.