Web App Penetration Testing Process

What is a Web VAPT?

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, ensuring the robustness of web applications is paramount. Web Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (Web VAPT) play a crucial role in fortifying the security posture of web applications. As a cyber security company and the founder of a cyber security company based in India, we understand the significance of thorough and meticulous web VAPT.

Web VAPT involves a systematic examination of web applications to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cyber attackers. Our approach at Valency Networks, a leading cyber security company specializing in web penetration testing, is to perform a comprehensive assessment of security controls, risk mitigation strategies, and penetration testing techniques.

Our Phase wise Web Pentesting Approach

  1. Pre-Assessment Planning:

    Before initiating the assessment, meticulous planning is essential. We start by defining the scope, objectives, and rules of engagement. This phase is critical for aligning our efforts with the unique requirements of each web application.
  2. Reconnaissance and Information Gathering:

    Using advanced tools like Burp Suite, we conduct reconnaissance to gather information about the target. This involves identifying the attack surface and potential vulnerabilities.
  3. Vulnerability Scanning:

    Employing state-of-the-art scanning tools, we systematically scan the web application for known vulnerabilities. This includes assessing the security posture against common cyber threats.
  4. Manual Testing and Exploitation:

    Beyond automated tools, our experts perform manual testing to uncover intricate vulnerabilities that may elude automated scanners. We leverage Burp Suite extensively during this phase to intercept and analyze requests, uncovering potential vulnerabilities.
  5. Reporting and Remediation:

    Upon completion of the assessment, we compile a detailed report outlining the discovered vulnerabilities, their severity, and recommended remediation strategies. Collaborating with our clients, we ensure a proactive approach to address the identified security gaps.

Typical Vulnerabilities Found in Web Pentesting

In recent surveys conducted across various industries, the prevalence of web vulnerabilities continues to pose a significant threat to the cybersecurity landscape. According to a study by Cybersecurity Insights, approximately 65% of web applications exhibit vulnerabilities, underscoring the urgent need for robust Web Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (Web VAPT) practices. As businesses increasingly rely on web applications for critical functions, understanding the common problems identified in web VAPT becomes paramount.

Common Web VAPT Challenges:

  1. Injection Attacks:

    SQL injection (SQLi) and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) remain persistent threats, with 45% of web applications susceptible to injection attacks. These vulnerabilities allow malicious actors to manipulate databases and execute arbitrary code, compromising sensitive data.
  2. Inadequate Authentication Mechanisms:

    Weak or improperly configured authentication systems contribute to 30% of security incidents. Ensuring robust user authentication is crucial to preventing unauthorized access and protecting sensitive information.
  3. Security Misconfigurations:

    Web VAPT often reveals instances of misconfigured security settings, accounting for 20% of identified issues. These misconfigurations may expose sensitive files, directories, or databases, providing a potential entry point for attackers.
  4. Outdated Software and Patching Delays:

    Failure to promptly update and patch web applications contributes to 25% of vulnerabilities. Delayed patches and the use of outdated software versions expose organizations to known exploits that could have been mitigated with timely updates.
  5. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF):

    CSRF attacks, identified in 15% of cases, exploit the trust a web application has in a user's browser. Attackers can forge requests on behalf of authenticated users, potentially leading to unauthorized actions being performed.
  6. Insufficient Data Encryption:

    Encryption lapses, found in 18% of web applications, expose sensitive data during transmission. Implementing robust encryption protocols is crucial to safeguarding information from interception by malicious entities.
  7. Invalidated Redirects and Forwards:

    Security assessments frequently unveil vulnerabilities related to invalidated redirects and forwards, accounting for 12% of issues. Malicious actors exploit these weaknesses to redirect users to malicious websites or phishing pages.
  8. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF):

    CSRF attacks, identified in 15% of cases, exploit the trust a web application has in a user's browser. Attackers can forge requests on behalf of authenticated users, potentially leading to unauthorized actions being performed.

Addressing these prevalent issues through regular and comprehensive Web VAPT is essential for organizations striving to fortify their web applications against evolving cyber threats. By staying informed about these challenges, businesses can proactively enhance their cybersecurity posture, safeguarding sensitive data and maintaining the trust of their users.

Web Pentesting Process

Valency Networks is one of the top cyber security companies in India. That is purely because of the experience and expertise that we bring in, to help our customers fix their cyber security problems. The secret of being a best VAPT vendor is due to a systematic and yet agile approach we follow, to test website or web application security. This helps our customers gain an extremely accurate and elaborate results along with a knowledge base and years of experience on the subject matter. We follow OWASP Top 10 standard to find and report vulnerabilities. We follow a systematic and yet agile approach to test website security. This helps our customers gain an extremly accurate and elaborate results along with a knowledge base and years of experience on the subject matter. We follow OWASP Top 10 standard to find and report vulnerabilities. While performing the web application penetration testing, we follow an elaborate and technical checklist of attacks.
It is called as Web server Security Attacks Checklist , and is updated regularly, as the attack vectors for web applications change over the period of time.

Before Testing Starts

  • Sign NDA

  • Freeze on scope

  • Study Cloud App Architecture

  • Study Cloud User Roles

  • Decide attack vectors and prioritize

  • Allocate single point of contact

During Testing

  • Black box testing

  • Gray box testing

  • Automatic and Manual Testing

  • Testing Phases

  • Reconnaissance

  • Scanning

  • Gaining Access

  • Maintaining Access

  • Covering Tracks

  • Gathering Logs

After Testing

  • Analyse logs

  • Confirm results

  • Apply Knowledge

  • Apply Experience

  • Repeat Test if required

Testing Outcome

  • Detailed technical report (OWASP Top 10 Standard)

  • Executive summary

  • High level fixation solutions

  • Certificate of testing completion (optional)

Before Testing Starts

Sign NDA

This is essential to give a confidence to our customers. When they sign NDA, we follow it strictly and customers are convinced that we are the right VAPT vendor for them.

Freeze on scope

We freeze on scope of the testing to ensure that there is no confusion in customer’s mind. Our scoping process includes a technical consultancy in cyber security space. This helps customers understand our role as an expert in the subject matter of pentesting.

Study Web App Architecture

We perform a detailed review of the web applications architecture. Customers usually want us to treat is as VAPT consultants, more than just as VAPT testers. The web security architecture review is not mandatory, but it helps customers understand our perspective about the entire VAPT approach, and VAPT methodology.

Study Web User Roles

Typically web applications have more than 1 roles. They have admins, non-admins and many other roles based on the business aspect of the application. Penetration testing includes many critical attacks such as SQL injection, privilege escalation etc which expose the authorization vulnerabilities in the web app. We study these roles to understand the app better.

Decide attack vectors and prioritize

At this point we as VAPT consultants have gathered adequate information to proceed with the testing. We discuss internally about the various attack vectors and techniques that we are planning to use for pentesting of the web application. In almost all cases we discuss these with the customers, to ensure that their experience about the testing also is taken into account.

Allocate single point of contact

Finally we allocate a single point of contact who heads the pentesting effort from Valency Networks. This commences the testing with the point of contact on customer’s side.

During Testing

While performing the web application penetration testing, we follow OWASP Top 10 standard to find and report vulnerabilities along with which we also perform an elaborate and technical checklist of attacks. During the testing phase, our certified and endorsed penetration testers perform black box, gray box, manual and automated testing. As a VAPT service provider, we use automated tools too, but in order to mimic the real-life hackers our expertise is in performing manual testing approach by using pre-validated and highly technical test cases. This makes us one of the Top VAPT companies in India or the best vapt company near you.

Test Approaches

Black box testing
- Gray box testing
- Automatic and Manual Testing

Pentesting Process

Pentesting is a technical outcome of years of experience and expertise. While there are tons of case studies of cyber security testing with Valency Networks, as a gist we can say that while testing security of a web application, one should first understand the business logic of the application and its flow. After which the purpose of the application is understood. On learning the basic information of the application, we move on to the technical part of finding the application's system setup, as in, the environment, OS and web server the application is running on. Then the security test of the web application starts on these bases by following the OWASP Top 10 standard to find, and report vulnerabilities along with which an elaborate and technical checklist of attacks is also performed.

Data collection

Various methods including Google search and Google Dorks are used to get target system data. One can also use web page source code analysis technique to get more info about the system, software and plugin versions. There are many free tools and services available in the market which can give you information like database or table names, databse versions, software versions, hardware used and various third-party plugins used in the target system.

Vulnerability Assessment

Based on the data collected in first step one can find the security weakness in the target system. This helps penetration testers to launch attacks using identified entry points in the system

Vulnerability Exploitation

This step requires special skills and techniques to launch attack on target system. Experienced penetration testers use their skills to launch attack on the system

Result analysis and report preparation

After completion of penetration tests detailed reports are prepared for taking corrective actions. All identified vulnerabilities and recommended corrective methods are listed in these reports. You can customize vulnerability report format (HTML, XML, MS Word or PDF) as per your organization needs.

Exploit Categories

- Web server exploits
- Web service exploits
- Authentication problems
- Configuration problems
- Database related problems
- Scripting related problems
- More details

Vulnerabilities Detected

• SQL Injection
• Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
• Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
• Forms Input Forgery
• Code Injection
• Cookie Poisoning
• 400+ other vulnerabilities
• Details on each attack

Standards Followed

• OWASP Top 10 – 2021
• CVSS (write a paper

After Testing

• Analyze logs
• Confirm results
• Apply Knowledge
• Apply Experience
• Repeat Test if required

Outcome of Testing

• Detailed technical report (OWASP Top 10 Standard)
• Executive summary
• High level fixation solutions
• Certificate of testing completion (optional)

Web Pentesting : Automated VAPT and Manual VAPT

VAPT (Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing) is a critical process for assessing the security of web applications. It involves identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the application's infrastructure, code, and configurations. VAPT can be conducted through automated tools, manual testing, or a combination of both. Here are the features of both automated and manual VAPT for web applications:

Automated VAPT

Speed and Efficiency:

Automated tools can quickly scan large portions of the application, making them efficient for identifying common and well-known vulnerabilities.


These tools can be easily applied to multiple applications simultaneously, which is especially useful for organizations with a large number of applications to test.


Automated tools can cover a wide range of vulnerabilities and issues, including those that might be time-consuming for manual testers to find.


The tests can be run repeatedly, ensuring that vulnerabilities remain fixed and no new ones are introduced during development.


Automated scans follow predefined scripts or algorithms, reducing the chances of human error that can occur in manual testing.

Baseline Testing:

Automated scanning can establish a baseline for known vulnerabilities, allowing manual testers to focus on more complex issues.


Automated testing can be more cost-effective for identifying common vulnerabilities, as it requires less human resources compared to manual testing.

Limitations Automated VAPT:

False Positives/Negatives:

Automated tools can produce false positives (reporting issues that aren't actually vulnerabilities) and false negatives (missing actual vulnerabilities).

Lack of Context:

Automated tools might not understand the application's specific context, leading to incorrect assessments of potential vulnerabilities.

Limited to Known Vulnerabilities:

Automated tools are primarily designed to detect known vulnerabilities and might miss zero-day exploits or custom vulnerabilities.

Complex Vulnerabilities:

Advanced vulnerabilities that require manual analysis to identify might be overlooked by automated scans.

Manual VAPT:

In-depth Analysis:

Manual testing involves a human tester who can deeply analyze the application, understand its context, and identify complex vulnerabilities that automated tools might miss.

Custom Scenarios:

Testers can create custom scenarios that mimic real-world attack techniques specific to the application.

Contextual Understanding:

Testers can interpret findings in the context of the application's unique architecture and business logic.

Creative Testing:

Human testers can employ creative thinking and adaptive approaches to uncover vulnerabilities that automated tools cannot predict.

Zero-day Vulnerabilities:

Manual testers have a better chance of discovering unknown vulnerabilities, including zero-day exploits.


Manual testers can verify the severity of vulnerabilities and eliminate false positives before reporting them.

Limitations of Manual VAPT:


Manual testing is more time-consuming, making it less efficient for large-scale applications.

Human Error:

Manual testing can introduce human error, both in the testing process and in analyzing results.


Findings might vary between different testers due to individual skills, knowledge, and experiences.

Difference between Web VAPT & Web Scanning

Web VAPT (Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing) are two important processes which involve scanning of the network, detecting its risks or vulnerabilities and thereby mitigating the same through various systematic procedures. Vulnerability assessment analyses the security weaknesses in overall network and suggests the level up to which a network can be attacked by a malicious intruder. Accordingly, a detailed report is generated and mitigation strategies are planned. Web VAPT (Web Application Penetration Testing) is an essential step in security because it generates trust of the customer in an organization and certifies it as a secure service provider.

It is important to know that web application scanning is very different from web application pentesting. Although web scanning is one of the steps in the web VAPT process, it is imperative to understand that web vapt includes the pentesting part which is way deeper and technical, than the mere scanning part.

Web vulnerability scanner is an automated tool that scans web applications to find out vulnerabilities such as poorly configured server designs, injection attacks and more. There are 2 types of scanners available.

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST):

It is a type of security testing that involves testing an application from the outside while it is running with little to no knowledge of that application.

Static Application Security Testing (SAST):

It is a type of security testing that involves testing an application from within meaning testing the code itself to find out flaws such as usage of wrong functions, buffer overflow, error handling and more.

To read more about these attacks Web Application Security Testing Services

Our Expertise in Web Security

At Valency Networks, we pride ourselves on being industry leaders in the field of Web Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (Web VAPT). Our extensive experience and unwavering commitment to cybersecurity make us a trusted partner for businesses seeking to fortify their digital assets against evolving cyber threats. As a cybersecurity company who has conducted thousands of web pentests, we specialize in web penetration testing and bring a wealth of expertise to the table.

At Valency Networks, we pride ourselves on being industry leaders in the field of Web Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (Web VAPT). Our extensive experience and unwavering commitment to cybersecurity make us a trusted partner for businesses seeking to fortify their digital assets against evolving cyber threats. As a cybersecurity company who has conducted thousands of web pentests, we specialize in web penetration testing and bring a wealth of expertise to the table.

Our Credentials in Pentesting

Our team, comprised of seasoned professionals, holds recognized certifications such as Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), and Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH). These certifications validate our comprehensive knowledge and skill set in conducting web VAPT, ensuring that our clients benefit from the highest standards of security assessments.

Utilizing advanced tools like Burp Suite, we employ a meticulous approach to uncover vulnerabilities in web applications. Our methodology goes beyond automated scans, incorporating manual testing to identify nuanced security flaws that might elude conventional assessments. By actively participating in the security audit of web apps, we assess the security posture of web applications and provide actionable insights to enhance resilience.

Our expertise extends beyond automated tools, as we pride ourselves on incorporating manual testing methodologies to uncover nuanced vulnerabilities. The use of advanced tools such as Burp Suite is integral to our process, allowing us to intercept and analyze requests with precision, providing a detailed and thorough examination of web applications.

How we update our Web VAPT Knowledge?

At Valency Networks, our commitment to excellence in web penetration testing is underpinned by a dynamic and proactive approach to knowledge enhancement. In the ever-evolving realm of cybersecurity, staying ahead of emerging threats is paramount. Our team of experts engages in continuous learning and professional development, participating in ongoing training programs, industry conferences, and obtaining the latest certifications in web application security.

We avidly follow the latest advancements in cyber threats, web vulnerabilities, and penetration testing techniques. Regular knowledge-sharing sessions within our team ensure a collaborative environment where insights and experiences are exchanged, fostering a culture of perpetual learning. By investing in the constant refinement of our expertise, we position ourselves at the forefront of the field, ensuring that our clients benefit from the most up-to-date and effective web penetration testing solutions.

Helping Industries with Compliance

At Valency Networks, our commitment to cybersecurity excellence extends beyond fortifying web applications; it encompasses guiding our clients through the complex landscape of compliance. Our Web Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (Web VAPT) services play a pivotal role in helping organizations align with various cyber security and information security compliance standards. We recognize the diverse regulatory requirements that businesses face, and our expert team ensures that our clients meet the stringent criteria set forth by globally recognized standards such as ISO/IEC 27001, providing a robust framework for information security management.

In addition to ISO/IEC 27001, our services extend to industry-specific compliance mandates. For the healthcare sector, our expertise aligns with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), while for those handling payment card data, compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is paramount. We also guide organizations in meeting the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for data protection, as well as adhering to frameworks such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework and the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Critical Security Controls. By choosing Valency Networks, clients not only enhance the security resilience of their web applications but also navigate the intricate landscape of compliance, fostering a secure and trustworthy digital environment.

Our Web Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (Web VAPT) approach is strategically designed to empower our clients in achieving compliance-driven assessments seamlessly. By aligning our methodology with industry-specific regulations and international standards, we ensure that our clients not only enhance the security of their web applications but also successfully navigate the complex terrain of compliance audits. Our team of experts meticulously assesses and addresses vulnerabilities, providing detailed insights and actionable recommendations that directly contribute to meeting the stringent requirements of various compliance frameworks. Whether it's implementing measures for ISO/IEC 27001, ensuring adherence to healthcare standards like HIPAA, or securing payment card data in compliance with PCI DSS, our tailored approach not only fortifies the security posture but also streamlines the compliance process. With Valency Networks as a partner, clients can confidently undergo compliance-driven assessments, demonstrating their commitment to cybersecurity and regulatory excellence.

Web VAPT Case studies

Lets look at some case studies wherein Valency Networks perform vulnerability assessment and penetration testing of the web applications. It resulted in great benefits to out customers.

Case Study 1: IT Product Company in Mumbai, India

Situation :

An IT product company based in Mumbai, India, faced a severe blow to its reputation and financial standing due to a series of web vulnerabilities in our e-commerce platform. These vulnerabilities allowed unauthorized access to customer data, leading to a significant breach that affected customers globally. This not only tarnished their image but also resulted in substantial monetary losses.

Solution :

We recognizing the urgency of the situation conducted a thorough web penetration test on our e-commerce platform. Leveraging advanced tools and manual testing methodologies, our team identified critical vulnerabilities, including SQL injection and insufficient authentication controls. With a detailed report in hand, we collaborated with our internal teams to implement immediate remediation measures.

Outcome :

By swiftly addressing the identified vulnerabilities in the e-commerce platform, we demonstrated our unwavering commitment to cybersecurity and customer trust. The comprehensive web VAPT, conducted by our seasoned and certified experts, not only resolved immediate concerns but showcased our expertise in identifying and mitigating complex security threats. As a result, customer’s reputation was not only restored but elevated, positioning us as a trustworthy and proactive entity in the cybersecurity landscape. Our experience in securing global e-commerce platforms ensures that our clients can rely on us to safeguard their digital assets effectively.

Case Study 2: IT Services Company in New York, USA


An IT services company in New York, USA, faced a significant cybersecurity incident resulting from web vulnerabilities in their client portal. Malicious actors exploited these vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to sensitive client information, leading to a breach that impacted both our reputation and client relationships.


We conducted an extensive web penetration test on our client portal, uncovering vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and inadequate session management. Our team collaborated closely with internal stakeholders to implement immediate patches and reinforce security measures.


Our proactive approach in addressing web vulnerabilities within our client portal not only prevented further exploitation but also underscored our dedication to cybersecurity excellence. The collaboration between our expert team and internal stakeholders demonstrated our deep understanding of emerging cyber threats and our ability to implement robust security measures. The successful mitigation of identified vulnerabilities highlighted our expertise in securing sensitive client information. Through this experience, our clients could trust that we are equipped to handle and fortify against evolving cybersecurity challenges, ensuring the safety and confidentiality of their data.

Case Study 3: SaaS Product Company in Berlin, Germany


Our SaaS product company based in Berlin, Germany, faced a dual challenge of reputation damage and financial loss due to web vulnerabilities in our cloud-based collaboration platform. Exploitation of these vulnerabilities resulted in unauthorized access to user data, impacting customers across multiple countries.


We, leveraging our global expertise, conducted a thorough web penetration test on our SaaS platform. The assessment revealed vulnerabilities such as insecure direct object references and insufficient data encryption. Working closely with our internal teams, we provided actionable recommendations and assisted in the implementation of robust security measures.


Our intervention in addressing vulnerabilities within our cloud-based collaboration platform not only restored customer trust but also solidified our position as a leader in proactive cybersecurity practices. The detailed web VAPT conducted by our global experts showcased our deep understanding of international cybersecurity standards and our ability to provide actionable recommendations. By actively participating in the implementation of robust security measures, we demonstrated our hands-on experience and commitment to securing SaaS products. This case study serves as a testament to our ability to adapt and secure complex, globally accessible platforms, reassuring our clients of our expertise in safeguarding their critical data and digital infrastructure.

Why Valency Networks As Web VAPT Experts?

Valency Networks' commitment to delivering actionable insights is reflected in our comprehensive reporting and remediation strategies. By aligning our efforts with industry best practices, we empower our clients to proactively address identified vulnerabilities, ensuring a robust security posture for their web applications.

In essence, Valency Networks emerges as a trusted partner in the cybersecurity landscape, combining a deep understanding of the web application penetration testing domain with a commitment to staying ahead of evolving cyber threats. Our extensive experience and unwavering dedication position us as a leader in providing top-tier Web VAPT services, contributing to the collective goal of creating a cyber-secure digital ecosystem.

Author Avatar

Prashant Phatak

Founder & CEO, Valency Networks

Location: Pune, India

Prashant Phatak is an accomplished leader in the field of IT and Cyber Security. He is Founder and C-level executive of his own firm Valency Networks. Prashant specializes in Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (VAPT) of Web, Networks, Mobile Apps, Cloud apps, IoT and OT networks. He is also a certified lead auditor for ISO27001 and ISO22301 compliance.As an proven problem solver, Prashant's expertise is in the field of end to end IT and Cyber security consultancy to various industry sectors.