BCMS Compliance

No, IT disaster recovery means to recover the IT asset of the organization which is damaged by the disaster. When business continuity management deal with the recovery of the critical business processes and its look for to maintain the stakeholder value for the organization by maintaining the SLA.

No, it is not mandatory to implement ISO 22301 for the entire organization. You can define the scope for the same. i.e for some particular project / department.

Yes, you can implement the ISO 22301 irrespective of implementation of ISO 27001. You have to consider the availability of the information in the case of disruptive incidents.

ISO 27001 is talking about business continuity management but there is no discussion about how to implement the BCM. ISO 22301 have implementation part of BCMS.

You must have all the documents mentioned in the standards. At least one-time internal audit and one management review is preferable before going to certification for ISO 22301.

It depends on the nature, role, and size of the organization. Generally, a small organization will take 4 ? 6 month and large organization will take almost 1 year for implementation.

No, You have to resolve all the nonconformity which auditor found within the specified time for the certification.


ISO 22301: 2012 works on PDCA Principle. It's applied to all the process and BCMS as a whole for continuous improvement

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Network Website Cloud Mobile App Security Penetration Testing (VAPT) Services, BCMS Compliance

There are several steps which every organization should follow for successful implementation of ISO 22301:2012

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In the event of business disruption due to unwanted incidents, BCMS helps to top management to perform impact analysis of disruptive incidents on business.

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Network Website Cloud Mobile App Security Penetration Testing (VAPT) Services, BCMS Compliance

Is business Continuity management means only IT disaster recovery?

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Network Website Cloud Mobile App Security Penetration Testing (VAPT) Services, BCMS Compliance
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