OTPs are typically are expected to expire after a single use, making them a secure method for verifying user identity. However, a significant vulnerability can arise when OTP validation is handled improperly on the client side, rather than on the server side.
Normally, the OTP is validated on the server, which compares the submitted code against the stored or generated OTP value, and then responds with a success or failure message accordingly. In the case of the vulnerability discussed here, OTP validation is happening on the client side rather than the server side. The client application—whether a web page or mobile app—performs the verification of the OTP without securely communicating with the server. This creates an opportunity for an attacker to intercept, manipulate, and inject a valid OTP response, bypassing proper server-side validation.
Many applications mistakenly trust the client-side code to handle sensitive processes such as OTP validation. Client-side code can always be reverse-engineered or manipulated by attackers, rendering this approach insecure. Allowing OTP validation on the client side introduces a significant security risk, as it exposes the system to attacks such as:
To prevent this vulnerability, OTP validation must be moved to the server side, where it is more secure and less vulnerable to manipulation. Below are some detailed steps to fix the vulnerability:
All sensitive operations, including OTP validation, should be handled by the server. When the user enters the OTP, the server should validate it against the OTP stored on the backend.
The server should store OTPs in a secure database with proper expiration mechanisms. Each OTP should be valid only for a short window of time, typically 5 to 10 minutes.
All data exchanged between the client and the server should be transmitted over HTTPS to prevent interception and tampering by attackers. Ensure that SSL/TLS certificates are properly configured.
Implement rate-limiting techniques to prevent brute-force attempts by attackers. If too many failed OTP attempts are made, the system should block further attempts or introduce delays.
Adding CAPTCHA challenges during OTP verification can help prevent automated attacks from bots attempting to guess OTPs.
When generating OTPs, use secure random number generation and proper cryptographic techniques to ensure the OTP cannot be easily guessed or brute-forced.
Consider using multi-factor authentication (MFA) alongside OTPs to add another layer of security. This could include biometric authentication, hardware tokens, or application-based authentication methods.