A Comprehensive Comparison of OWASP ZAP and Burp Suite Vulnerability Assessment Tools – Part 1


A Comprehensive Comparison of OWASP ZAP and Burp Suite Vulnerability Assessment Tools (Part 1)


OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy) and Burp Suite are two popular web application security testing tools that are widely used by security professionals, developers, and testers to identify vulnerabilities in web applications. Both tools provide a range of features designed to help secure web applications, but they have differences in terms of functionality, user experience, and licensing.

Technical Comparison



Burp Suite


Open Source (Apache 2.0 License)

Commercial (with a limited free version)

Scanning Capabilities

Active and Passive Scanning, AJAX Spider

Active and Passive Scanning, Spider

User Interface

Web-based and Desktop GUI

Desktop GUI


REST API and Automation Framework

Extensive Automation with REST API

Community Support

Strong open-source community involvement

Active user community and support


Highly customizable through scripting

Customization through extensions

Vulnerability Detection

Comprehensive range of vulnerabilities

Extensive vulnerability detection capabilities


Free and Open Source

Commercial License, Limited Free Version


Cross-platform (Windows, Linux, macOS)

Windows-only (with workarounds for others)

Non-Technical Comparison



Burp Suite

Learning Curve

Steeper learning curve due to extensive

More intuitive for beginners, especially

feature set and scripting capabilities

with the Community version

Community Involvement

Strong open-source community involvement

Active user community and support

Commercial Version


Provides additional features and support

Licensing Model

Open Source with Apache 2.0 License

Commercial License, Limited Free Version

Usage Scenarios

Well-suited for open-source projects,

Preferred by consultants, penetration testers

education, and non-commercial use

and organizations with budget for tools


Can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines

Can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines

Updates and Support

Regular updates from the open-source community

Regular updates and commercial support


Provides detailed reports in various formats

Offers comprehensive reporting capabilities

Extent of Documentation

Comprehensive documentation and tutorials

Extensive documentation and tutorials


Both OWASP ZAP and Burp Suite are powerful tools for web application security testing, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The choice between them largely depends on your specific use case, budget, and level of expertise. OWASP ZAP offers an open-source and customizable solution with strong community involvement, making it a great choice for open-source projects and those with limited budgets. On the other hand, Burp Suite, with its commercial version, provides a more polished user experience and advanced features, making it preferred by professional penetration testers and organizations willing to invest in comprehensive web security testing tools. Ultimately, evaluating your requirements and testing out both tools will help you make the best decision for your web application security needs.

For more comprehensive comparison of both the tools, please read A Comparison of OWASP ZAP and Burp Suite Vulnerability Assessment Tools (Part 2).