Fact : It can be more harmful than a help if two separate antivirus are running on the system. Year:2015 Said by “IT Admin of…
Day: January 4, 2021
Cyber Security Myth Debunked – PHP is more secure than .NET platform
Fact : PHP or .NET are not secure by default. Its IT person’s skill to secure those. Year:2014 Said by “CTO of an IT product…
Cyber Security Myth Debunked – Physical Security Is Enough For Data Center
Fact : Physical security is a small component of the big IT infrastructure security puzzle. Many more controls are needed to achieve better data security…
Cyber Security Myth Debunked – Work From Home Does Not Require Internal Network Vulnerability Assessment
Fact : When teams work from home and connect to office network, the internal vulnerability assessment actually becomes more important than ever. Year:2020 Said by…
Cyber Security Myth Debunked – ISO27001 compliance can be implemented using a checklist
Fact : ISO27001 or any other compliance needs a detailed review of risks which cannot be captured using a mere checklist. Year:2019 Said by :…
Cyber Security Myth Debunked – Costly firewall is the best protection for IT Security
Fact : Its not the cost of firewall, but how you configure it securely is what matters the most Year : 2018 Said by :…
Cyber Security Myth Debunked – Linux is more secure than Windows
Fact : Linux and Windows both are equally insecure or secure. Year : 2017 Said by : IT head of a mid-size bank “We run…
Cyber Security Myth Debunked – Its Only In Hollywood Movies
Fact : Cyber Security is a reality and not a hoax. Year : 2015 Said by : IT Head of a Manufacturing company trying to…