How to use ISO27001 To Make Your Cloud Secure


How ISO 27001 will make your Cloud Secure?

Having a Cloud environment is becoming simpler day by day. But Management, Expansion, Monitoring, Regulating, Controlling, Security of Cloud has become real worry in any Organization who as of now have a Cloud domain. If Operations related to these are not legitimately took care of then it influences the growth of the organization and its market value as well.
Major issues faced by organizations related to Cloud Security

  • Managing the Cloud Infrastructure.
  • Assessment of overall security status of the Cloud infrastructure.
  • Data Encryption
  • User roles in Cloud
  • Provisioning of security controls
  • Difficulty in Risk Assessment
  • Security of new workloads in the Cloud
  • Unclear about Compliances related to Cloud
  • Monitoring of workloads across different Clouds (Hybrid, private, public)
  • Management of Cloud Resources
  • Tracking of Cloud Resources Usage
  • Poor Incident management
  • How ISO 27001 will solve these Issues?
    ISO 27001 standard helps any organization to make the Information Security Management System appropriate as per their requirements. With ISO 27001 you can make your cloud and its management more secured. Below are some points which states the solutions offered by ISO 27001.