Comparison of ISO27001 and Cyber Essentials


ISO 27001 and Cyber Essentials are popular frameworks for managing and improving organisation information security. While they share some similarities, they differ in scope, requirements, and objectives.

Here is a detailed comparison of ISO 27001 and Cyber Essentials:

ISO 27001 Cyber Essentials
Scope ISO 27001 is a comprehensive international standard that establishes, implements, maintains, and constantly improves an organisation’s information security management system (ISMS). It covers all aspects of information security, including people, processes, and technology. Cyber Essentials is a UK government-backed scheme focusing on basic cyber hygiene and protection against common cyber threats. It is designed to help organisations implement fundamental cybersecurity measures and address the most prevalent risks.
Objective The primary objective of ISO 27001 is to establish a systematic approach to managing sensitive information, ensuring its confidentiality, integrity, and availability. It aims to help organisations manage risks effectively and achieve compliance with legal, regulatory, and contractual requirements. Cyber Essentials’ principal goal is to create a baseline of cybersecurity policies to defend companies from the most frequent cyber threats. It aims to improve the organisation’s resilience and demonstrate its commitment to cybersecurity best practices.
Certification Organisations can undergo a formal certification process for ISO 27001, which involves a comprehensive audit by an accredited certification body. The certification demonstrates that the organisation has implemented an effective ISMS and complies with the standard’s requirements. Cyber Essentials offers two levels of certification: Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus. Both certifications require organisations to complete a self-assessment questionnaire and undergo an external vulnerability scan. Cyber Essentials Plus includes additional on-site testing.
Requirements ISO 27001 has a broad set of requirements that cover various aspects of information security management. These include defining an information security policy, conducting risk assessments, implementing controls, managing incidents, monitoring and reviewing the ISMS, and providing staff awareness and training. Cyber Essentials focuses on five critical technical controls: boundary firewalls and internet gateways, secure configuration, user access control, malware protection, and patch management. The scheme also emphasises essential cybersecurity awareness for employees.
Applicability ISO 27001 applies to organisations of all sizes and industries. It is particularly beneficial for organisations that handle sensitive information or have a high risk of cybersecurity threats. It provides an adaptable framework that may be tailored to specific organisational requirements. Cyber Essentials is primarily targeted at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and organisations that want to demonstrate their commitment to cybersecurity. It is also often a prerequisite for bidding for government contracts in the UK.
Compliance & Auditing Compliance with ISO 27001 is assessed through comprehensive audits conducted by accredited certification bodies. These audits evaluate the organisation’s ISMS against the requirements of the standard. Compliance with Cyber Essentials is assessed through self-assessment questionnaires and external vulnerability scans. For Cyber Essentials Plus, additional on-site testing is conducted.

Summary: ISO 27001 provides a holistic framework for managing information security across an organisation, whereas Cyber Essentials focuses on basic cybersecurity controls and awareness. ISO 27001 is a more comprehensive and widely established standard appropriate for enterprises of all sizes and industries. On the other hand, Cyber Essentials is specifically designed for SMEs and organisations looking for a basic level of cybersecurity protection.

Why choose Valency Networks for Cyber Security?
We claim to be the ultimate defender in the realm of cyber security. Allow us to give a brief overview to support our claim:

  • Expertise: Valency Network has worked with the world’s top IT service and product companies to implement ISO 27001 and Cyber Essentials. We have customers worldwide, and they rate us as the leading Cyber Security Company for our dedication and subject matter expertise.
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Hence, regarding cyber security, Valency Networks is the trusted armour that safeguards your business, allowing you to navigate the digital world confidently.

How Valency Network can help you protect your personal information?
Valency Networks provides robust security solutions and cutting-edge technologies to keep your data safe and sound. Through comprehensive vulnerability assessments and penetration testing, we identify vulnerabilities in your systems and applications and provide actionable insights to strengthen your defences. Valency Networks has also successfully completed the ISO 27001 Standard and Cyber Essentials examinations, bringing a uniform, standardized approach to information security systems to cater to clients worldwide.
So, please sit back and relax, knowing that we have your back, protecting your personal information like a trustworthy cyber security expert.

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